Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pitch Count: How Many Pitches Per Media Placement?

Most inquiring clients want to know how many pitches will it take to score them a placement in their coveted publication. Well, honestly the number varies depending on the PR pro's experience, contacts, and creative pitching ability.

Pitches come in many shapes and sizes. You can email a pitch, tweet a pitch, facebook a pitch, video pitch, voice pitch, and drive by pitch. All of the pitch types are effective in their own right, but you have to make sure that your pitch is laser focused for the right contact. If you have all of your ducks in a row then you will find success.

Here is a quick break down:
  • Zero Pitches:  This is a PR pros dream! This happens when reporters call you and inquire about your clients. No pitching is required because all you have to do is supply the information and access to the right resources.
  • One or Two Pitches: Do you have a close relationship with the media? Do you go out for drinks once a month? Do they consider you a trusted resource? Is your pitch appropriate for their readers? If you said "Yes" to all of those questions, then one or two pitches should do it.
  • Three-Ten Pitches: Are you new at pitching? Have you not taken the time to research the your intended recipient? Are you a small business owner who is taking on the role of public relations person? The reason why it make take this many pitches is because you are in the process of fine-tuning your pitch approach or you haven't appropriately matched your story to the journalist interest, calendar deadlines or publication.
  • More than 10 Pitches: Please stop right there. If it takes you more than 10 pitches to land a story with the same publication then there is something wrong. Please take some time to review "Pitch Perfect: The Art of Media Pitching." You may need to evaluate your approach. It takes more than spamming a journalist or constantly making cold calls. If you don't believe me, do a quick Google search on media relations, you will find a wealth of information on the subject.

Regine J. Nelson is founder and principal of Allure Marketing Communications. Allure specializes in small business, consumer products, nonprofit and start-up PR. Follow her on Twitter, @RegineNelson or email her at regine@allure-pr.com.

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