Wednesday, February 2, 2011

PRSA Media Predicts: The Aftermath

Who gives us predictions for a new year? Doctors, psychics, psychos, our parents and a whole slue of other folks. However, the Silicon Valley chapter of the Public Relations Society of America  and the Computer History Museum brought together the folks that do it best. For years, they have managed to pull together a diverse and highly sought-after group of top business and technology journalists and bloggers to discuss hot topics of the current year and predictions for the following year.

2011 was no exception. On December 2, 2010, PRSA-Silicon Valley held its annual "Media Predicts" event at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. Media Predicts has a tradition of inviting journalists and bloggers who have made significant contributions to journalism over the past year. This year, the lot was especially remarkable. The speakers consisted of the following media personnel:

The journalists shared their thoughts and predictions about social IPOs, the iPad, Twitter, facebook, Apple, the San Francisco Giants, China and many more. I've taken the liberty to jot down some of their predictions for quick consumption. If you would like more details, check out the video coverage and photos of the event at

The panelists must have consulted their crystal balls for these predictions:
  • Eric Savitz: There will be... "A reduction in the number of mobile phone platforms (1-2 of the big ones will collapse and go away – don’t know if RIM, Symbian, but there are 6-8 major ones and by end of the year, we’ll be down to 3-4 at most as the ones that matter)."
  • Rachael King: There will be...."Increased interest in mapping the human brain – IBM’s BlueBrain. Mobile apps."
  • Quentin Hardy: In my crystal ball I see...."Chinese companies buying US companies is going to be hot. Will the government let them? Oracle will acquire Dell, Teradata and face IBM and HP in ways no one expected."
  • Bianca Bosker: I just bet my bottom dollar that..." AC/DC will be on iTunes. Also, no two people will have the same experience on the, news, everything will be customized to preferences, habits and friends."
  • Ben Parr: Let the battle for earth begin..."In the war between Facebook and Google, Facebook will win. Minority report where Tom Cruise uses his hand to control computers and machines that will be a reality in 2010 and beyond."
  • Chris O'Brien: My third eye tells me..."There will be no big tech IPOs in 2011 – Facebook, Zynga, LinkedIn. Tesla will be the big story in 2011."
  • Daniel Lyons: Are my predictions too real?..." This is the year when people will start to realize how scary Facebook really is. Death of blogs and the rise of twitter and tumblr."
Those were just some of the predictions that I thought were the most shocking and/or thought-provoking. I'm curious to see how they pan out out in the next few months. I will be keeping close tabs on the panel's predictions and what actually happens in 2011. Check back for updates and to find out who had the most accurate predictions.

If you have any predictions of your own that you would like to share, please add a comment below.

Regine J. Nelson is the founder and principal of Allure Marketing + Communications. Allure specializes in consumer product, small business, nonprofit and startup PR. She is a proud member of the Silicon Valley chapter of PRSA. Email for a free consultation. Follow her on Twitter, @RegineNelson.

Daily PR Tidbit - Feb 2

Another edition of the Daily PR Tidbit brought to you by Allure Marketing + Communications. Feel free to share or comment.

Social media users grapple with information overload
Jose Huitron had just hit the digital wall. Toggling between Facebook, Google, Twitter and a handful of other online communities, he found it hard to keep up with a constant barrage of tweets, texts and instant messages. - By Jon Swartz via USA Today

Press Release vs. Media Pitch: Which One Do You Need?

One of the most common misconceptions about PR is that you need to distribute press releases to get media coverage. Few people know you can get media exposure without writing a press release — many of my students have done it! But first, what’s a press release, how is it different from a media pitch, and when do you use one or the other? -- via PR In Your Pajamas

How to integrate social media into health insurance 
Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, has been increasing in popularity in recent years, and along with that growth has come an increased connection to the health insurance world. - By Kelly Kimberland, UPMC Health Plan

Social media to lead parade of IPOs in year ahead

It’s not quite the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, but this year analysts expect to see a flood of Internet companies offering shares on the financial markets, hoping to become the next or Google. -- By

8 Tips on Boosting PR Results with Social Media & SEO
Despite company marketing and public relations budgets being in a state of ambiguity, many public relations organizations are focusing on social media, trying to figure out “do’s and don’ts” to improve online reach. At the same time, search engine optimization (SEO) of news content is fast becoming an established part of the mix for many public relations programs. - By Lee Odden

If content is king, how do you become king of content?

All week, I’ve been talking about how much content matters. Here’s a guest post by the wonderful, savvy nonprofit marketing mind of Jono Smith on why - and how - to create content worth sharing.-- Via Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog 

How to Emulate the World’s Powerful Brands Using Social Media 
Don’t you just love to hate those big name brands who always seem to be getting right? You know the ones I’m referring to – The Apple gods, the addictive Starbucks and the sensual Victoria’s Secrets? - By Natalie Sisson via Spin Sucks

Regine J. Nelson is the founder and principal of Allure Marketing + Communications. Allure specializes in consumer product, small business, nonprofit and startup PR. She is a proud member of the Silicon Valley chapter of PRSA. Email for a free consultation. Follow her on Twitter, @RegineNelson.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daily PR Tidbit - Feb 1

Another edition of the Daily PR Tidbit brought to you by Allure Marketing + Communications. Feel free to share or comment.

8 New LinkedIn Features Worth Exploration
Recently LinkedIn added lot’s of new functionality that impacts marketers and business owners. This article will tell you what you need to know. -- By Linda Coles

How to Avoid Social Media Overload

The advent of Web 2.0 has made keeping up with your industry a 24/7 pursuit. Reporters are constantly tweeting new stories, your colleagues and competitors are blogging and now, you're expected to join the fray as a "content producer" -- on top of your regular job. How do you make time for it all?-- By Dorie Clark 

42 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Looking for even more social media resources? This guide appears every weekend, and you can check out all the lists-gone-by here any time. By Zachary Sniderman 

Lean Marketing: Public Relations strategies for small businesses and startups
One of the least expensive and most effective ways that small businesses can grow is through the strategic application of public relations. PR can be executed on a modest budget, and the awareness and word-of-mouth that can be attained is priceless for a small company. - By Mike via CrowdSpring

Super Bowl + French Impressionism = publicity 
If you're looking to earn publicity, always be on the alert for ways to tie your client to a topic in the news. That doesn't mean you have to watch for stories that are closely related to your client's business. In fact, the less obvious the tie to your client's usual image, the stronger your story idea may be: if you can provide an unexpected twist on a story everyone's talking about anyway, you're gold. -- By Melanie Lee Lockhart

Facebook + Twitter = Revolution? 
As the protests in Egypt enter their second week, many are again debating the relative influence that social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have had (and can have) in stoking the fires of digital age popular uprisings. Twitter and Facebook both reportedly played essential roles in helping organize protests and spread news in Egypt before the government shut down Internet access last Friday, January 29th. -- By Big Think 

Yammer: 5 Reasons Your Startup Should Be Using It
This past Thanksgiving we wrote about ten products we were thankful for as a startup. One of these was Yammer, an app that brands itself as Twitter for internal use and communication at companies. This free app allows you to follow other people’s updates and send files, messages and notifications (similar to how you follow people and tweet on Twitter). We use it for everything from sharing files to posting tech issues. If you’re a small team in particular like we are, you will realize the benefits of Yammer immediately. Here our top five reasons for using Yammer: - By Cheryl Morris

Regine J. Nelson is the founder and principal of Allure Marketing + Communications. Allure specializes in consumer product, small business, nonprofit and startup PR. Email for a free consultation. Follow her on Twitter, @RegineNelson.